2012年2月14日 星期二

Without you

Witthout you my life will still go on
I have my rights to do anything I want to do
So please don't judge me with your perspective
I can't change your perspective on my but t least I can choose to ignore it
As you are not having the rights to judge me
You can't say what I have done is wrong
Because hat was my choice
It doesn't affect you at all
So please,
I am just being who I am
Today is kitty's birthday
A happy birthday to you
Well something to tell you that
It's good to have you as my BEST sis
It's good to have you to be at my side when I needed you
Thank you for your existence in my life
Thank you for what you have done
Thank you for love the hair band that chosen by me
Thank you fair always listening to my family story
Thank you for everything
I know your 19th birthday ain't as perfect as expect because of two major issues
1st about the breakfast and dinner
2nd about something you wished to receive by today
Even it's ain't perfect but I have to say 'happy 19th birthday' to you once again
never mind you will have your 20th birthday perfectly:)
PS: had a nice valentine dinner and chocolate with...
my family=D

3 則留言:

  1. wow~so touches o....woah~~~
    i support u on the breakfast n dinner issues^^ yeah~
    hey,u know what i wishes to receive today meh??O.o

  2. You want me to announce here.
    Laugh Out Loud
